Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Steven liked it... so he put a ring on it!

My sister Stephanie and her boyfriend (now fiancé) got engaged. They went to Paris and we all sort of thought it might happen. They tricked us when they got home and had us all worried that Stephanie had said no. But how could she resist Christmas at the Effiel Tower and a nice shiny ring.


Anonymous said...

Great shot shelley...any more?

Shelley Photography said...

hey phil. yea ther are a good few more. but i just put this one up cuz it was my favorite!! when are we doing you and terry! because i keep asking steff and shes getting cross at me hahah

Anonymous said...

I know, we're completely useless! I'm free most of January, ill chat to Terry and come back with a few dates.

Shelley Photography said...

awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Shelley these are brill <3
Connie x

Shelley Photography said...

thank you connie. the light in the forest was being a pain. changed loads. but im pretty happy with the 5th photo! i like it! :)

Steffy said...

Thank-you so much Shell...I LOVE the pictures! You're the only person I ever want to take my picture! xox

Alabama said...

Sheeley!!! These are brilliant, you are truly fabulous! Wish i could get engaged and married all over again just so you could take the pics. We'll def get to do some for us soon. xx Allana

Vicki said...

love these pretty pictures shel! :)
congrats to the happy couple.xo