Monday, 8 March 2010

Mothers Day


Every year this day comes up and I never know what to get my mum and so I end up with the usual flowers from Marksies or sometimes just a card promising .. "Sorry mum, I just had no idea what to buy, I'll get you something soon."
It's not that I undervalue my mum, it's just really hard to know what to get her. After many mothers days (22 so far) there's only so many little fridge magnets and kitcheny* gadgets (*not a real word but I'm sure you know what it means) mum can possibly pretend to appreciate.
So to help you all out we have devised a little offer that is sure to impress your mums whilst also being fun for everyone. Book with us now so you don't miss out on a good offer.
And just to remind you all.... 14th of March... Don't Forget!
Bookings must be made before 31st March 2010 & our available dates are between now & 31st May 2010... Hope to hear from you soon :)

There are vouchers available. We couldn't make Mothers Day much easier than that. All vouchers are customised to "insert mums name here" and from your lovely children "insert names here"...

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