Monday, 22 March 2010

James & Laya Update...

This is Francine. She was Laya's chief bridesmaid.
Laya couldn't wait to show me the little transfers she got for her shoes. And aren't they sweet!!

Pamela, mother of the bride, had this label specially made for James and Laya. Also pretty sweet!!
So Ross really did try to escape from the house without having his photo taken. Unlucky sparky.
Francine had made this little photo album for Laya for her hen night. Filled with memories and funny and embarrassing photos. What are friends for eh?
Pamela was also very proud of this little homemade hot air balloon which calmly floated around the room the whole time we were there. I really liked it. Simple idea and weirdly very relaxing!
This is Kelly. She is Ross's girlfriend. Ross being Layas brother. She is going to miss Laya very much in around the house. Easy to see I was being nosey and reading little cards for the bride whilst taking photos..

First reactions from Kelly and Granda Reggie at seeing Laya for the first time in her wedding dress.
Layas Grandad had the role of giving Laya away... So Reggie gets the show on the road with a little practice session of walking down the aisle.. First off, get the sofa out of the runway and he employed Kelly to keep the beat by hitting the dining table it was quite funny, but it was a serious role for Reggie...

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