Friday, 19 March 2010

James & Laya

You may remember James & Laya from our fantastic engagement session at Portbradden & Whitepark Bay...
Well they tied the knot yesterday and didn't they just look fantastic!!
Laya and her bridesmaids weren't just any bridal party. We had them (well James more so) had us go trekking into the forest at Killynether near Scrabbo Tower and apart from Anne being so obviously cold they didn't complain once. Laya had to climb mountainous terrain in her stiletto heels. That pretty good going as I can't walk in heels full stop. Cold, wet and windy, battling against the elements. The girls (and not forgetting the boys) were so much fun and just relaxed about the whole thing. We couldn't have had better people with us yesterday and we are so grateful for their positivity.
We will have more from their wedding very very soon....

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